Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Importance of a Homemaker

The term homemaker has become a bit "outdated".  But the importance of the role has since remained, although becoming covered up by the feminist's protests for equality.  Women really began entering the work force during WWII as a means to produce the goods and services need in war needed by the men serving in the war.  After the men came home, some women fought to keep their jobs and fought returning back to being a homemaker.  This was a damaging stepping stone for families because it took mom's out of the home and left the children to return home to an empty house or seek care outside of the home.  Some of the disruptions of families from moms not being home with the kids after school are:  siblings coming home to each other, more arguing because mom is not there to mediate, older children having to take on more responsibilities to watch over the younger siblings, schedules are disrupted since the parents get home later and have to fulfill all the responsibilities during what used to be "family time".  Now "family time" after homework time is filled with trips to the grocery stores, chores, homework, cooking dinner, and if there is time left over, managing to squeeze in some time to discuss each other's days.  This is leading to and has led to families becoming more distant with one another and families not knowing each other as well because they are not able to spend as much time with family.  It is heartbreaking to see how many families are putting family time as a low priority because of work, school, and all of the other activities that distract families from being together.  This is one of Satan's ploys in destroying families and has covered it well to make it appear like the world suddenly does not have enough hours in the day to include family time.  Ideally, homemakers are important because it gives families more time to talk about each other's days, having dinner together, kids helping the mom cook, and mom being able to teach valuable lessons to the children.

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